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“Most of the interesting women you know are far, far angrier than you’d imagine.” - Laurie Penny

RAGE BECOMES HER is an experimental fashion line and photo series exploring the transformative power of female anger as fuel to positively and effectively strive for social and systemic change around women’s rights, and overcome traditional misogynistic taboos around expressions of anger by women.

Too often, women are taught to minimize and contain our anger. We call it frustration, impatience, exasperation, or irritation, words that don’t convey the intrinsic social and public demand that ‘anger’ does. Anger may get a bad rap, but it is actually one of the most hopeful and forward thinking of our emotions. It begets transformation, manifests our passions, and keeps us invested in the world. Anger helps to bridge the divide between what is and what ought to be. Between a dicult past and an improved future. Anger is usually about saying “no” in a world where women are conditioned to say almost anything but “no.”

The project explores visual expressions of anger, gore as a genderless and powerful symbol of social rebirth and transformation, and aims to show that the anger we have as women is an act of radical imagination.


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